
It's not that ...

I don't mean ...

I'm not imply ...

... isn't really ...

To say ... would be understatement.

You might benefit by ...

You might feel better about yourself.

You're getting on my nerves.


It's fundamental to me.

It's nessesary for me.

It's eccential to me.

It's imperetive to me.

I require it.

It's integral to me.

I'm dying without...

I can't go without...

Inpersonal communication is integral to people maintaining a sense of belonging.


run errands

fighting a cold

under the weather

take precautions against ...

get a shot

over exprosure to the sun

get dehydrated


You've brought me a very good point.

That's something been considering a lot recently.

the thinking behind...


ripped -off

I'm quiet.=I'm reserved.

I don't like to rock the boat.

I'll be with you in a minute.

Fire away.
